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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  October 13, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> my one more thing would be mayor bloomberg blew off the yankees to see barbra streisand but i won't because we have to go. so my one more thing america, thanks for watching. we love you so much here. see you here op monday, everybody. have a great weekend. welcome to "red eye." this is andy levy covering for greatest gutfeld recovering from 5* bus accident. what is coming up on tonight's show? thanks, andy. do presidential debates affect the outcome of the election? could last night's debate change all of that? do people hate smiling all of a sudden? we will attempt to answer one of these questions. and illinois considers a violence tack on gun owners. violence doesn't kill people. people employing violence kills people. and do we really need another
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tax on employers? also, obama has the single woman vote. romney leads with mothers, but what about the coveted single actress in their 20s, but look like they are in their 40s who publicly brawl with their mother's vote. the answer may surprise you. >> thanks, tom. let's find out if the answer does surprise me. first let's welcome our guests. i am here with columnist and author jedediah bila. it is the philadelphia daily news columnist and host of the tv show "our world" with black enterprise. bill schulz, he thinks he is going to regionals. and sitting next to me and the co-host of the anthony and opie show. so did a toothy grin reveal a man unhinged? joe biden often looked amused and was quick to laugh, but was it a winning smile?
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after president obama's sleepy performance last week, they applauded the vp forbearing his teeth, his approach to paul ryan. and republicans also found his lecture -- his laughter infectious. i mean, infuriating. she call joe disrespectful and buffoonish. can we roll that? >> i think that was the wrong clip. i apologize. jedediah, you said you thought biden crushed ryan, and as a result you are changing your vote. >> yes, i am changing my vote today. biden is such a likable guy sometimes. i find myself feeling like i would like to grab a coffee with him or go to my old
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neighborhood and curse with him as he often does. this was angry biden. this was crazy biden. i have an expression for everything. i have a laugh. this was cackling biden. i don't think it served him terribly well except he was aggressive. i think it fired up the base a little bit if that is a good thing. >> i think that's right. professor, welcome back. >> it is good to be here. you look different. >> i am lifting. what do you think? did smirking joe overcome pen say the -- overcome pen say the? >> he had to. that was the worst performance i have seen with president obama. but i don't think joe biden did anything wrong. people said he he was angry and aggressive. i thought he was happy. when does smiling look crazy? >> happy about iranian nukes. happy about -- into not a good thing. >> he was laughing as we heard about troops dying. no, he was laughing because
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ryan was saying ridiculous stuff. >> i think he was amusing himself. i don't think he was laughing about iranian nukes, but what i am saying optically, not a good thing to be laughing while they are talking about iranian nukes. not a good message. >> that's a weird interpretation. i thought he was laughing at how absurd ryan's choice -- >> clearly that's what he was doing. i thought two snap poles after the do pate -- polls after the debate one had biden winning bid and one had ryan winning small. i don't trust the ago caw see of either. what did you think? >> i thought the gary busey smile of a mad man. he looked insane. if he was smiling nobody would be commenting. he looked like a mental patient. when he would go back and forth like my -- my parents grew up dash cash and then two seconds later [laughing] no one goes through emotions like that unless they are insane
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jie. there are people who do, but they are usually on medication. >> or my drunk friends. >> i love you. i hate you. >> was biden too in your face, as the kids say, or was he not in your face enough as the kids say? >> he shouldn't be that close to any kids' face. that would not be good for his polls. the word i kept hearing was arrogance. when was a party who embraces in your face finds errogance to be a bad thing. i think it comes down to one thing. well, the debate came down to one thing. who had the weirder hair? and i have to say after looking at both their scalps, i am going to say it is a draw. one thing you have a force and you have the weirdest hair line this side of napolitanoville. first of all he looks like he has hat hair. i could not stop staring at it. it was bizarre. >> he went for a substantive
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coverage. >> these are the kind of issues that north america cares about. >> i speak for the common man. >> biden pretty much through the state department through them under the bus. he said we didn't know they wanted more security when the state department went under the bus. he said, well we thought at first that it was about the tape. i'm sure both of those departments are real excited about that. >> i would love to be a fly on the wall wherever hillary clinton is right now. >> then he comes out and he says, i meant we, barack obama and myself. i am not talking about the state department. the bigger argument is why is there no communication between the state department and the president? >> not only communication, but shouldn't you know that perhaps on september 11th
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in ben benghazi, the united states ambassador could use some protection. maybe without someone telling you. >> they had 13 incidents before that. >> that's it? >> you don't mean condoms, do you? >> this is an obvious case where the obama administration dropped the ball. it is the only place in the foreign policy the last four years you can attack and drill down in a debate. it was perfect for ryan to do. the republican party was smart to do it. >> i don't think ryan drilled down enough on it. it was the first question and then ryan mentioned all of that stuff. and then suddenly he pivoted to iraq and afghanistan. he should have stayed on libya and hammered them. >> i don't think voters care enough about it. it would have looked like a wonk and a hack and somebody who brushed up on the book rather than an expansive knowledge. that's what he was going for. i don't think it worked though.
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people thought he got his ass kicked. >> do you? >> all of you -- your cigar smoking conservative friends and playing with their gold. >> anthony, what did you think of the job martha did? >> i think she looked great -- oh that's right her back was facing. i thought she did a good job. she was in a tough position because i guess everybody was just all over him at the last debate. i think she did a pretty good job. >> i think she is smart and she is a good reporter, but one of the jobs is to minimize interruptiing and cross talk. i think she failed miserably. >> one of the jobs of the moderator is to step back and let the debate happen. i felt like she was one of the candidates at times. she was very, very involved. when you interrupt you interrupt the train of thought of the people you talk to. one moment ryan was talking about taxes and making a good point and she jumped in and
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then he went into a different direction. as a voter i wanted to hear what he had to say about that. everyone would have benefited if she would have stepped back a little bit. >> i didn't mind her interruptions as much. that's part of a moderator's job. what bothered me is she didn't stop biden from interruptiing. biden with the goofy grins aside, that didn't bother me so much. i went from thinking he is kind of likable to -- within a half hour of the debate i thought he is a problem bleep [. he is a [bleep]. >> the voters like that. >> why? >> it is real. >> being rude is real? >> yes. everybody i know is rude. when paul ryan is making a case about the stimulus fund he said look, you wrote me an e-mail about it. the interjections made sense. >> and i thought that was possibly biden's strongest moment, and ryan looked bad when biden brought that up. but i don't think ryan finished like a single sentence the whole night.
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maybe it played differently with moderates and independents, but -- >> on left wing tv's he finish ehought and biden made better arguments. >> see, i don't have a dog in this. i am not voting for either one. biden came across really poorly. i guess -- >> i think you are right. i don't think ryan came in and sealed the argument. he let biden get the last word on a lot of points. i think he could have been -- he was a little too passive. that's not the paul ryan i know who is out on the campaign trail talking about medicare. that's his issue. he knows how to talk about that. i feel like he didn't tackle that and maybe that's new to the debate stage. >> the paul ryan i though spots me at the gym. that's the paul ryan i know. >> also that e-mail you were talking about, it showed me that biden is a rat. send him an e-mail and he is going to blast. >> he will tell everyone. jay but -- >> but they say if you forward you will get good luck. that's the guy you want. >> from debates to differences, can our country
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mend if they have to be friends this kid rock and sean penn have released an 11-minute public service film show figure they can overcome their political differences, something, something, something. sorry, i didn't watch the whole thing. they meet in a bar and get in an arangement about the election and then they call penn a commi. >> at -- commi jie. at least i am not a seal clubbing, confederate chick-fil-a eating water boarding, nascar loving war mongering, red neck toothless wall street trogladite. >> i guess not. that's because you are basically a tofu munching welfare loving prius driving obama sucking, tree hugging, whale saving, flag burning socialist aclu whine eye ass graw -- granola crab.
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>> it reminds them that freedom is what is important. they hug each other and roll bonding money taj. m oth tage. >> ♪ the moments when my good times start to fade ♪ ♪ you make me smile like the sun ♪ ♪ fall out of bed ♪ sing like a bird sthoat. ♪ ♪ dizzy in the head crazy on a sunday night ♪ ♪ you make me dance like a fool ♪ ♪ dizzy in my head ♪ spin like a record ♪ crazy on a sunday night ♪ you make me dance like a fool sthoat. ♪ ♪ forget how to breathe ♪ shine like gold ♪ buzz like a bee ♪ the thought of you can drive me wild ♪ ♪ oh you make me smile ♪ oh you make me smile ♪ oh you make me smile >> if i am reading this right,
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don't let politics divide us. >> totally awesome. >> i bought the first half of the video because i think they were both being completely honest. >> that was the honesty. >> i did ?ot buy the second half. -- i did not buy the second half. >> the second half was good in that they both came out and showed they loved each other. for gay marriage that is perfect. the first part was more honest. the second part looked like a weird naked gun montage. >> this didn't make you want to hug a conservative? >> i hug conservatives all the time. >> as someone who embraces intolerance, i am assuming you absolutely loathe it. >> i will surprise you. as cheesy as it was i love it. i really do. i love things that break down stereo types. my whole life breaks down the
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stereo types of what people think conservatives should be. my shopping at whole foods and being a vegan for years and loving animals. >> you are a vegan and love animals? i thought you killed kittens. >> no. but i love that because you and i probably disagree on so much politically. but there is so much about you that if i were to prejudge you i would probably have it all wrong. it is a good message for kids. cheesy, yes. good message, yes. >> i am smelling a love connection. i am in the middle of some flames. >> who is the real winner here? those who haven't seen this commercial? >> it is like five saturday night live sketches and none as good as this. >> we showed way too much of that. that was a 10th of it. >> that was the best of it, and you saw what we saw. everyone here was like a lot of z's. >> i didn't like the players involved. i thought the message was fine. but if you really want to get real. if you really want to look at
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what america actually s. -- actually is. you can have at it. that is a video. >> i would watch the crap out of that. and it would only be three minutes. >> you seriously could pay per view the hell out of that. >> i get a finder's fee. >> from i am sam to a chicago scam. windy city homicides are up 25% this year and as a result lazy officials are considering a so-called violence tax on guns and am mow to curb the number of weapons in circulation. the kirk county chief of staff says while it won't be popular with gun lobbyists they say, quote, it is consistent with our commitment for violence reduction in the city and the county. countered one nra lobbyist, chicago and cook county has a gun violence program. chicago has a high high school dropout rate. they have a drug problem. they have a gang problem. but they want to make legal
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gun owners, guys like me, the scapegoats. speaking of scapegoats. i am so sick of the outrage from a scapegoat. you were telling me in the green room that you would basically be broke if this kind of tax existed. >> exactly. i probably would purchase -- either firearms or ammunition every hour on the hour. >> i don't see this working. i don't see this as anything but trying to get money legislating against legal gun owners, law abiding citizens. i don't think people that are breaking the law and using guns for criminal violence are doing so with legal guns, with guns they bought from a store and the same thing with ammunition. it is all stolen property. >> they are doing it with the guns we buy legally. and they steel them from us. the guns we buy are contributing. >> but you blame the victim of a theft?
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>> i am not supporting the tax. i am just saying there is a logic, but i disagree. i agree with you. >> isn't this a man trying to keep weapons out of the hands of poor black folks? >> yes. let me tell you this first. i am a big amendment amendment supporter. i believe we should all have guns. i think black people should get more guns. >> let's go to commercial. >> i mean, i think -- >> i agree with you. >> i think every citizen should have access to guns. what happens is that poor people, black people, they were taxed out of the gun market and only wealthy have guns. we all should have guns to defend ourselves and our country. >> it is people in poor neighborhoods who need the guns most of all. the cops ain't going there, and they are not going to be there quick enough. i am totally with you. >> one-man vigilante. >> you think you can be a super hero. not gonna happen.
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>> let me play devil's advocate. they say it cost $50 that,000 to treat -- $52,000 to treat uninsured gun victims. does it make sense to charge people who buy weapons and am mow to help cover that? >> just so people are -- just what they are craving, more taxes. they will find a way to tax everything at some point. the guns don't kill people, people kill people. a lot of people who get guns don't get them the way you describe. they get them illegally. they are not going to be taxed. criminal guns are not going to be subject to this. if you want to raise money, you have to find another way to do it. stop taking tax money. >> bill, go ahead and support it. >> i don't carry it. guns were never an issue. i am adamant of not being shot. that goes to all of you haters out there. it pains me to admit it, but it is a vice tax.
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sometimes it works. since 2002 when we enacted the smoking ban, tax cigarettes to the point of prohibition, the rate of quitting has gone down half a million. the numbers are in and they are big. that makes me sad. don't shoot the messenger, but you can let me bum a smoke. >> i don't understand why owning a gus is a vice. >> they are treating it as such. >> they are poo-poo heads. >> to use a technical term. >> coming up, will you get a better grade if you sleep with your professor? mark discusses his new book "hell ya." look, it is lyndsay lohan. it must not be a show of future oscar winners. you are watching "red eye."
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then don't miss sleep train's wbest rest ever? you'll find sleep train's very best mattresses at the guaranteed lowest price. plus, pay no interest for 3 years on beautyrest black, stearns & foster, serta icomfort, even tempur-pedic. and rest even better with sleep train's risk-free 100-day money back guarantee. get your best rest ever from sleep train. superior service, best selection, lowest price, guaranteed. ♪ sleep train ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪
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sputy? the maker of call of duty: modern warfare 2 pulled a multi player map after complaints over a scene with arabic writing on a painting in a bathroom. i am outraged just thinking about it. the text which translates to allah is beautiful and he loves beauty goes against rules that forbids displaying or saying the name near a toilet. they released the following statement, we apologize to anyone who found this image offensive. please be assure we were unaware of this issue and there was no intent to offend. activision is aware of cultural beliefs and sensitive to concerns. just scroll. i don't care. can we show call of duty -- or call of kitty instead?
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>> so close. >> just got a kill. >> i hillary cover. >> what do you think? did activision do the right thing? >> people respond to. it people complain and they respond. i have to say this is how the free market works. if people complain and your company is worried about sales, they will respond and that's the way it works. >> do you think ago tau vision would have pulled the mp if christians -- >> if the virgin mary were in a crapper, i think they would. i think it is fair. i like that it was a market-based solution. when somebody says something crazy on a radio show or tv show they should not get banned. i think consumers should say we don't want to support this. but they should be more sensitive. who is the guy that thought it
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would be wise to put something -- >> the game has been out -- modern warfare 2 has been out since 2009. some guy found this by using a sniper scope to find this. >> are you surprised that a video junky has nothing better to do than to analyze this? >> i guess so. anthony you played this game. >> i love this game. not so much for offensive picture frames. >> remember there is a level on this game where you are an army ranger and you are undercover in a russian terrorist cell, and you go into an airport and you slaughter civilians. joy it is masacring the civilians. >> there was a big uproar, but ago tau vision left that and took this out. >> people are petrified about offending muslims in this day and age. it is not about a picture frame and writing on it. it is the fact that we can virtually murder millions of
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different cultures. >> it is important they be from different cultures. >> how they focus on that and the fact you are literally wiping out thousands of virtual people. it is a virtual bathroom. it is a virtual frame. it is not really in a bathroom. it could be in house . mine for instance. this is the part of the show i ask the question and i think about something else while you are answering. >> right. actually now that i am listening to this, i am thinking i have another million dollar idea. this one is we are watching the actual call of duty being played by anthony and have his audio on as he mows down innocent people. i would watch the crap out of that. >> i have done it for the radio show. you don't hear that. you hear me yelling at 12-year-olds that are cursing me and knifing me from behind. >> i know what i am going -- googling tonight. >> i play madden football.
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i like to compete. you go around murdering people, right? >> no, you go around killing people. >> i don't think you understand the mission. >> we love horror movies. we love to see that in films all the time. >> but doing it yourself of the the thing is you are actually watching -- there was another game where you could grab prostitutes. exactly i played that for maybe six months tops. >> then you couldn't take it anymore. >> i couldn't take it. >> i like to play call of doody. it is a german game. >> one last point, the people who complained about this -- >> he said doody. >> i know. >> that made my day. >> i want to point out that the people who complained about this, all they threatened was they said we will boycott you. there is no violence or no
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threat of violence. >> what does boycott mean in islamic? >> do not buy. >> i thought it was something different. >> e-mail us at red eye at fox and do you have anything -- any video of your animal doing something not boring? still to come the half time report from thomas shaw lieu. >> still to come, the half time report from pyramids. the ancient structures with try an gao lar walls -- try angular walls with a point at the top. thank you, pyramids.
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we are back. let's see if we got anything wrong. we go to thomas wshalou. >> so many things probably. let's go to jedediah first. jedediah, we were talking about the debate and you said that martha -- you thought she was behaving like one of the candidates. do you think she was being biased? >> i wouldn't go so far as to say biased, but i do think she -- they recorded the number of interruptions and she interrupted paul ryan less than joe biden so people can draw their own conclusion. >> you mean a lot more. >> she interrupted joe biden a lot more. >> you are ombuding right
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now. >> candy is good at that. i think what you meant to say is she interrupted ryan more. >> oh yes, she interrupted ryan a lot more. but i don't know if that was based on bias or what they were happening to be saying. she was very involved was my issue. >> shouldn't these candidates, this is what they do. they should be able to argue with anyone. i was hearing a lot of comments from people saying martha, she favored this guy and she was at aed withing and whatnot. don't these guys want to get in there and fight with these people? don't they want someone to push back on them so they can make their point ? >> they don't want to be messing with a third party. yes she is there to ask the questions, but she is not there to be a part of the scene so much. she needs to learn to step back. i personally liked the moderator before. everybody complained about him being so passive. but he really got to duke out
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without that third person. >> jim lehrer. >> beautiful pronunciation, by the way. >> by the way, you look great, jedediah. >> thank you. >> anthony, are you wearing -- this is what i wore in junior high every day. it was in the early 80s and you went to junior high school with you had to wear a flannel shirt unbuttoned. >> that's okay. you are wearing what the narc wore in junior high. >> you said no one goes through emotions like that. you said he looked insane. no one goes through emotions like that. have you watched any reality tv? >> you mean that's real? >> the disney broads from the upper west side? >> right. i thought it was scripted. . >> it is not.
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>> mark law moppet -- mark lamont hill, you said libya was the only play you could attack. it was the easy one for short 689. >> you wouldn't say iran or if there were in i big differences with the policy? >> i think he has had so much success in the middle east where even if he wasn't aggressive enough he hasn't taken a strong enough approach. even if you took that position i don't think voters -- most voters -- well, they are stupid. when an ambassador dies you can explain that. anything else, not so much. >> what are these middle east successes? >> most can consider -- most consider killing osama bin laden a success. >> i thought you were talking about egypt.
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>> absolutely not. but some argue the obama success early on inspired what we saw in egypt with the irish spring. >> who are these some? >> democratic voters. >> i think the easiest place to attack is when somebody dies. >> anthony, you mentioned that you thought biden was a rat for reading his e-mail. and that sent me on a furious search. it never occurred to me, why was -- if you want stimulus money, do you e-mail the vice president? >> that was a little odd. you have a great point there. >> i think that's -- i think ryan's response should have been i didn't e-mail you. >> that was a fake one, a spam. >> except that he did. >> it doesn't make sense. andy, how would you have answered that? >> i don't think he had a good answer to that. you are sitting there saying
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you are completely opposed to the stimulus, but you applied for money under the stimulus program. >> how about this, andy. you took my money. you threw it up in the air and i wanted to grab a little bit of it. >> i guess that is always the decent answer. that was biden's most effective attack. >> that doesn't work. not only did he ask for money, and according to joe, and joe doesn't lie, in the e-mail ryan said this will create jobs and stimulate the economy. >> he needed to specify. >> he needed to say what he used that money for specifically. >> i am going to defend ryan here. >> i don't think he sent the e-mail. it was all made up. jay he would have said i didn't sent it. >> you tell me i sent an e-mail i say yes, i probably did.
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all i dwo -- do is send e-mail. >> if you could stop sending the pictures that would be great. >> you can be against something and still take it. for example, i am against heroin, but if you are holding it get a spoon. >> that's a drug term. >> the next story, this 11-minute toyota commercial that is posing as a public service announcement, jedediah, you said this was a good message of tolerance. >> it is. did you look at the video. did you watch it? >> i watched the whole thing. i have a bone to pick with you on that. how is anyone supposed to change watching this video? from you a conservative perspective, you should have seen it for the fraud it was. kid rock ends up driving a prius. he attends a gayed withing and he endorses peta. what did sean penn do? he just sips a bear and wears a nascar shirt. >> that's true. >> he doesn't change at all. >> that's true. 2* was not balanced. >> great point.
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>> kid rock gives up all of his values and then they are riding a bike at the end. >> it is not about giving up values. it is about opening your eyes and taking a step and walking in someone else's shoes. seeing something from their perspective to see you are what you are and you stand for what you stand for and not pre uj judging. prejudging. >> sean penn is a huge fan of the dictator in venezuela. >> he is a horrible person. >> he says corporations and right wingers are ruining the country. if someone is ruining your country, why do you want to go to the beach with them in a prius. >> i don't want to go to the beach in a prius, but i was surprised he would even do something like that. >> did you know hugo chavez was a dictator? did you see the elections last week? he won by a landslide according to the hugo chavez analysis company. >> weren't we supposed to
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understand that there was a little stuffing going on down there? >> no stuffing. >> he was talking about election. >> he is a democratically elected dictator. >> that's the way they do it down there. >> let's look at facts. first there were a couple of things on the cnn -- i want to go back to the amount on the poll. cnn had it for ryan. cbs had it for biden. bill, i want to pick a bone with you here on the vice tax. you said it reduced adult smokers by millions, did you say? >> i think i had that wrong. you are right about that. 450 fewer smokers. how many of those can you attribute to your little smoking ban there? >> i am glad you asked that, all of them. i guess that's all i have
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then. >> nothing on call of duty? >> oh, call of duty. i was searching on this game, and maybe you can explain this to me. isn't it a world war ii game? >> no. >> call of duty 3 called it call of duty: modern warfare. >> it might not be a world war ii game. >> you were doing so well. >> i don't know video games. what do you think i am some kind of nerd? >> back to you, andy. >> thanks, tom. >> we have something anna tee skipped pea last night. coming up michael vick has a new dog. oh cra pentagon, i ruined -- oh crap. i ruined that tease.
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mitt has a fan in lyndsay lohan. she is now endorsing romney
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for president. at the mr. gin sing launch party, she said, quote, i think employment is really important right now. as of now i am voting for mitt romney. as of now. as of now, i think this election is over. when asked why she shifted her allegiance to romney lohan said, quote, it is a long story. we heard that before right, dude who did not butt chug one? >> can you clarify what happened that day? >> long story. >> i just wanted to see that. let's discuss in that thing called -- >> lightning round. >> anthony, is this the year of celebrities trying to make themselves relevant by switching candidates ? >> what a good idea. it will get people back in the news if they have fallen off. i like how she said for now like she is holding it over romney's head. that can changing so you be on
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the mark. >> i love the people backing mitt romney. i had hulk hogan and he was telling me about his new sex tape. after he talked about the sex tape he said, oh, and i am voting for -- you have lyndsay lohan. >> that's not true, i am not. >> will i am is not cool. >> you think stacy dash is cool. >> mo money. >> but she's cool. >> it was mo and not more. >> she doesn't have time for the or or the. >> it is a long story, what does that mean? jay she will get more publicity talking about it. she can change her mind a few times. maybe she can sit here and be a political commentator. >> bill, do you ever talk politics with lyndsay or do you drop off her stuff and
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leave? >> i am holding out until i find out who salina gomez is going for. i will not make my decision until that wonderful, talented startles me who to vote for. until then, lyndsay can go to hell. time to take a break. when we return, a performance from tonight's musical guest.
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michael vick acknowledged he is once again a proud dog owner. this after the nfl star tweeted a picture in which a dog biscuits could be seen in the background. vic in a statement said definitely written by his pr firm. i understand the strong emotions about our family's decision to care for a pet. as a father it is important to make sure my children develop a healthy relationship with animals. i want to ensure my children establish a loving bond and treat all of god's creatures with love and respect. as an animal lover what do you think? >> i feel like vomiting. he should not be allowed to have a dog. you don't let former child abusers have children. i am not a forgiving person too and that may surprise some of you. jay as a huge michael vick
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fan. >> i hate michael vic. jay he is the quarterback of -- >> he is the quarterback of your team and you love him. he finished his three-year probation period. is it forgive and forget? >> that's what the rule of law is about. he spent more time in jail than stall worth did for killing people. he paid more than his debt to society. it is despicable and awful, but it is good to see him doing something else. oj can still date white women, right? >> wow. line of the night. >> i think he can date white guys. >> for the moment. >> anthony, what do you think? >> i think it is -- it wasn't like he had a dog and it ran out of the yard and got hit boy a car. this guy was staging dog fights and drowning them in buckets and killing them in horrible ways. i agree. i don't think he should be able to have a dog at this
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point. >> bill, should he maybe start his way up? should he have a goldfish first or maybe a sea monkey? >> fried shrimp. fool me once sea monkey corporate. michael vick is stupid, but he is not dumb. just because he did this to a dog before he is not going to hurt his reputation, finances and everything by doing it again. i am concerned he may give the dog herpes. it is a valid concern. it is definitely a good reason to move on. according to a new study flirting helps women get ahead in the workplace. women who use social charm were rated as more effective at performing everyday tasks than those who did not. the strategy worked when a woman flirted with a man, but not the other way around. the author concludes that flirting translates to confidence which is a strong predicter of performance. >> let me guess, jedediah,
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have you flirted in your career to get ahead? >> in the to get ahead, but i think i flirt all the time without realizing it. i think it is more charm. when people think of flirting they think of it negatively like trying to get somebody in the sack. women flirt to be charming charming and exciting. >> i may engage in some of that, but i think i understand it. charm works. it is fun. >> it doesn't work for men. women know they can have men anyway so it doesn't play with fantasy. women think i -- with women, i think i can have her because she is showing some leg or touching her arm. >> when students flirt with you to get better grades -- >> there it is. >> how much do you bump them up? >> you have to flirt to get in the class. >> i don't even know what you have to do to get your grade up. >> buying this study? >> i think it is a little jaded.
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i don't think the women that are flirting are doing better. i think the people that take the study on this are bamboozleed. it is like the hot woman in the old tv series like bewitched. they are at the office. >> how old are you? >> i am pretty old. oh it has never been in reruns? >> in good times. >> now i understand. >> bill, you actually got this job through thrirting. >> yes, i did get this job through thrirting. flirting. i think flirting should be illegal. the payoff for guys is never what we want which is to actually seal the deal. you think oh you are making headway, but getting back to what you said, nine times out of 10 when a girl is flirting with you, it is not to get
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with you, but to get what you got. >> and we are still promoting that. >> we will close things out with a post game wrap up. and to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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time to go back to wide tie guy for the post game wrap up. >> anthony, any plans this weekend? >> yes, actually, i am spending spending -- right after the show i am going out with bill. so the rest of the weekend will be spent i guess blood tests. >> jedediah, how are our viewers going to become part of your subscribers. >> go to jedediah and sign up. that's how you find out where i will be and what i will be writing and all sorts of fun. >> mark, i hear you are doing something for huff post live.


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